Trading Card Games

Gods Unchained Council of Mortals

Gods Unchained Council of Mortals banner

Gods Unchained continues to deliver new features this year. After bringing us Daily Rewards and card shining, now there is something new — with a bit more of a human element to it! Gods Unchained announced the assembling of a Council of Mortals. Chosen from player and collectors alike, the Council of Mortals meets monthly to discuss Gods Unchained and its future!

The Council of Mortals is not a DAO governance. In fact, it has no authority or power at all. It functions more as an advisory council. One that represents the Gods Unchained community and is able to speak on their behalf to the team. The Gods Unchained team also hopes that letting the Council in on discussions about the game will help with transparency and communication with the players.

The Council includes spots for fifteen members across four different groups, or Seats, of Gods Unchained players. Each Seat is aimed at bringing in players / fans from different perspectives to help provide balanced feedback across a wide array of topics. Council Seats are six month terms, with no more than two consecutive terms by the same player. Players can also only hold one Seat at a time.

Players may nominate others (not themselves) for Council Seats either on the Reddit nomination thread, or via the nominations channel on the official Gods Unchained Discord server. The Gods Unchained will put the top nominees for each category up for vote beginning on July 12th. Verified Discord members then vote via emote reactions to choose the final Seat members for the first cycle.

Council Seats

Gods Unchained card artwork
the Council of Mortals in action?

The Seat of the Arena is composed of the best Gods Unchained players. Four Seats in all, these are offered to the best, consistent players over the previous six month period. Representing the meta players, the players in these Seats should have valuable insight on game balance.

Seats of the Illuminary are for content creators. Streamers, video creators, writers, artists. Whoever is creating content for Gods Unchained and bringing attention to the game. They say the Illuminary Seats will be “split between metric-based eligibility, and popular vote eligibility”. I’m not really sure what that means. There are four Seats in total for this class. Two Seats are given to the biggest streamers while the other two are voted in? Or are all four Seats decided between a mix of content popularity and community popularity?

Unfortunately, that isn’t the only confusing part. The Seats of the Curators consists of three spots and is meant for those who are the ultimate collectors. According to the official blog post, “Two with the biggest collections will be eligible for these seats”. What happens if they don’t want the Seat? You just keep moving down the list, ordered by collection size? How does this affect term limits? Are these Seats automatically elected or is there still a vote? And what about the third Seat?

At least the Seats of the Favored seems fairly straightforward. These Seats are for outstanding community members. Those that help others, answer questions for new players, provide services or tips, etc, etc. All four Seats for the Favored are open for nominations.

Seat Duties and Stipend

But this is not just a volunteer, love the game, kind of position. Gods Unchained expects the Council Members to participate, attend monthly meetings, and work towards making the game and the community around better. In return, every Council Member receives a monthly stipend of 300 $GODS tokens. Not bad for helping to shape a game that you already love and/or have investment in!

About Gods Unchained

Gods Unchained is a free-to-play, collectible card game. Built on the Ethereum blockchain, Gods Unchained uses the Immutable X layer-2 solution for gas-free trading. The blockchain stores all ownership of the cards, giving players full ownership over their own set of cards. Players earn digital ‘Core’ cards by playing the game. When a player has two identical Core cards, they can mint these into one blockchain-based card. That card is then tradeable on the Immutable X market for zero gas fees.

Gods Unchained features several play-to-earn mechanics. Players gain cards by being active players and win packs and $GODS tokens by competing in the weekend tournaments. Players can also earn GODS tokens via daily quests.

With three card sets under its belt and a fourth in the balancing phase, Gods Unchained has a wide variety of cards for different playstyles. Gods Unchained currently sells packs for Mortal Judgment. Players can buy and open packs from the official site. Secondary sales are available on IMX and Token Trove.

For more information, read our Gods Unchained game guide and visit

Gods Unchained Mortal Judgement banner
Phil Hall has been a gaming enthusiast since birth and a crypto enthusiast since 2017. He enjoys new discoveries and sharing those with others via blogging and photography. You can follow him on Twitter or read his other articles on Medium.