Blockchain Gaming

There’s Trolls in My VOX

VOX Trolls banner

Teaming up with Dreamworks, VOX from Gala Games brings us a new edition of NFTs based on the Trolls characters. This is the fourth VOX drop. And though the drop isn’t live to the public until October 14th, certain VOX holders and members of the Gala ecosystem have a chance for an early mint.

While VOX holders are still waiting for VOXverse, they can play VOX Odyssey on Discord. And soon, they can add new, Trolls themed VOX to their collection. The public mint begins on October 14th, but certain others have a chance to mint before then.

Dreamworks logo voxelized
Dreamworks logo voxelized

First up are Tier 1 holders. These folks either have at least one VOX from each of the previous series (Town Star, Mirandus, and The Walking Dead), or are one of those who returned the extra Walking Dead VOX box they received from a glitch during the sale. Tier 1 can mint from October 10, 2022, 12pm PT until October 11th, 10pm PT. Each Tier 1 slot can mint at most two VOX boxes for 0.666 ETH apiece.

Tier 2 is a much larger group. This includes anyone holding any VOX or any VOX Soul NFT, operator’s of Gala Games Founder’s Nodes, Gala Gold and Blue Realm members, and finally, a selection of interested people who won a whitelist spot through various games and contests. Tier 2 can mint from October 12th, 12pm PT until October 14th, 12pm PT. For this section of the sale, everyone can mint up to 8 VOX boxes, though they cost 0.888 ETH each.

land box?
land box?

The price and any purchase limitations for the public sale have not yet been revealed. Only 8,888 of these VOX will be sold. All initial sales will occur on the Coinbase NFT platform, and players will redeem their purchases at the Collect Vox site.

Each Trolls VOX will be randomized, though you still may see characters you recognize. The team promises additional bonuses and utility for those who make a purchase during this sale. Buyers of Trolls VOX Boxes have a chance to win VOXverse land, Gala Music whitelist tokens, and Gala Film NFTs. In addition, they will receive access to purchase an exclusive VOX hoodie.

Trolls are a toy franchise from the 90s that saw a resurgence with the movie release in 2016. Since then they have made more movies and television shows, rebooted their toy line, and expanded everywhere. Now it seems they are coming to the world of NFTs. This is a very high profile collaboration and a big win for Gala Games and VOX.

What are VOX?

VOX are unique, collectible characters. They are part of the Gala Games ecosystem and are meant for use in the Discord based game called VOX Odyssey, and the more ambitious VOXverse. Some VOXes are themed in partnership with other Gala projects, such as Walking Dead: Empires. These provide utility both in the VOX games and in their partner projects.

a few Walking Dead VOX
a few Walking Dead VOX

Players can also place their VOX into their towns in Townstar. If the player completes their daily challenges, the VOX will earn a bonus of TownCoin, based on the VOX rarity score. You can check a VOx’s score on Rarity Tools. In addition to this, VOX owners may receive a surprise airdrop from time to time!

Will Wright, the creator of The Sims, is on board the project as a lead designer. In a recent AMA, Will talked about how he would like the VOX’s activity and history to have a long-term effect. For example, if your VOX was harvesting some wood and had a tree fall on them, they would walk with a limp. Or if someone used their VOX for cooking in one game, then that VOX would have cooking skills in the VOXverse.

Phil Hall has been a gaming enthusiast since birth and a crypto enthusiast since 2017. He enjoys new discoveries and sharing those with others via blogging and photography. You can follow him on Twitter or read his other articles on Medium.