Crypto Art

Fair Crypto Art NFT Distribution with Drops

drops noderunners crypto art

Drops is a new NFT art distribution project with a focus on fair distribution for all crypto art buyers, while providing exposure for upcoming creators. The platform, made by the developers behind NodeRunners, uses the Matic Network for a gasless experience, while these collectible NFTs also gain utility through the project’s tokenomics.

Users can earn some money from digital assets acquired through Drops by depositing them into vaults. Basically they will be staking their NFTs, which will earn them dPoints. Buyers can use these dPoints to cover purchases on the Drops marketplace. In addition, users earn some of their purchase back in DROP tokens.

It’s almost like an endless loop. Stake your NFTs, earn dPoints, use dPoints to get discounts on Drops NFTs, and then take those NFTs. On top of that you earn DROP tokens. However, big pockets won’t cut it. The raffle system needs to make sure fair distribution happens.

Raffle tickets for Drops

Collectors can acquire limited edition artworks through drops or on a traditional marketplace. These drops are limited edition artwork releases that are distributed through a raffle. This enables fair participation for all buyers, while the creator gets more exposure over time. All this will be built on the Matic Network, making sure that users don’t have to deal with gas fees.

Raffle tickets can be purchased with ETH, DROP and NDR. At the same time users can use their dPoints to get a discount on a ticket purchase. After the ticket sale, users can redeem their raffle ticket for a random NFT from the Drops collection.

Yield farming NFTs

Collector who have bought an artwork, can put the NFT into a Vault. In addition all kinds of other NFTs can be placed into these vaults as well. Each NFT has a certain weight, giving the owner a share of the dPoint token pool. The amount of yield each token gets, is decided through a community vote. These dPoints can’t be transferred, but only apply to the account that earned them. Each dPoint will be worth one dollar.

Staking DROP tokens will also earn users dPoints. In addition users who provide liquidity through one of the liquidity pools, will earn more DROP on their cashback rewards. Read more about Drops on their website, which also includes their whitepaper.


NodeRunners NDR token

Drops is part of the Node Runners ecosystem. As a result they use the NDR token for governance over the platform. NDR holders decide on which NFTs get added to the vault and what their weight will be. In addition NDR will be a payment option within Drops, while token holders also earn share of the Drops platform fees.

Node Runners is an open-source cyberpunk-themed game that combines NFTs and DeFi. The game features hero NFTs like Vitalik Buterin, Satoshi Nakamoto, Andre Cronje and Keanu Titanhand. Collectors can stake these cards and earn NDR tokens.

Image result for keanu reeves gif
Keanu Titanhand, for reference. 🙂
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